This EMMY AWARD-winning film tells the tender story of a young Jewish girl at Christmas time. Robin really, really, really wants a Christmas tree but understands her family does not celebrate Christmas. When classmate Sandy Goldstein gets a Chanukah bush, it only makes Robin's non-Jewish friends ask Robin more questions. With help from her funny, loving grandfather, Robin learns the importance of taking pride in her beliefs -- and the joy of sharing them with others.
*Nominated for the National Jewish Book Award for Children.
*Recommended by the National Conference of Christians and Jews as an ecumenical story promoting brotherhood and understanding, "...warm, humorous, and respectful of various beliefs."
Booklist: "A credible treatment of a touchy topic. Every Jewish child who has felt like a stranger in his own country at Christmastime will empathize…" —
Publishers Weekly: "Sussman's small narrator Robin relates a tender story about ecumenical fellowship, depicted attractively in Robinson's drawings…. With his wisdom and love, the grandfather widens the child's understanding, as Sussman does for the reader of her endearing story."
Checklist: "Hooray for this long overdue story which pinpoints the left-out feelings of Jewish children during the Christmas season."
Holiday's Remembered: "It is difficult to be a minority anyway, especially at a time of year when the whole world seems to be celebrating something forbidden to you Chanukah Bush gives new insight into the difference between helping friends celebrate their holiday, and celebrating one of your own."
Baltimore Jewish Times:"[Chanukah Bush]…should be mandatory for all Jewish children who wonder why they can't have a Christmas tree and are in the process of dealing with being different in a Christian country. A wonderful story!"
Jewish Heritage: "Sussman solves the dilemma of being Jewish in America at Christmas." —
American Jewish Congress Monthly:"There's No Such Thing as a Chanukah Bush. Sandy Goldstein goes to the heart of what it often feels like for children to be Jewish at Christmas time."
National Conference of Christians and Jews: "Robin wants a Christmas tree, even though she's Jewish. Grandfather helps her to understand that Jews can share other people's festivals without celebrating them at home. Warm, humorous, and respectful of various beliefs."
Buy It Now:
Albert Whitman & Co. (Paperback) ISBN: 0-8075-7863-0
Albert Whitman & Co. (Library Binding) ISBN: 0-8075-7862-2 9 (LC83-1291)
(Also available for sight and hearing impaired from SISU Entertainment)
"The murderer's walk from cell to electric chair lacks the raw terror of an auditioning actor's walk across an empty stage." Morgan Taylor should know. A Chicago actress experiencing a dry spell between jobs, she desperately needs to land this important role...or her equity insurance will run out. But the elderly actress she was paired with to read that morning doesn't show. And Morgan, forced to read with a monotone stagehand, is sure she's blown the audition. Sick to her stomach, she runs to the small bathroom in the basement of the theater....where she finds the body of the actress with whom she was to read.
Morgan's family is desperate for her to settle down and marry. Morgan is not speaking to her sister who is going to marry Morgan's old boyfriend. Morgan's best friend is the prime suspect in the dead actresses murder. And the detective assigned to the case doesn't seem the least put off by Morgan's artistic temperament.
And so begins Morgan's surrealistic journey into the world of murder and Chicago theater at its funniest and finest.
Publishers Weekly -- "Even the bit players make notable contributions in Sussman's entertaining and witty romp, which will have readers applauding for an encore."
Library Journal -- "A thoroughly satisfying mystery debut."
Kirkus Reviews -- "Lively, fully-realized characters, and our heroine's vibrant, warm and funny persona…[make for] a fresh and entertaining debut."
Book list - "Hilarious…Morgan Taylor [is] funny, smart-mouthed, totally endearing character…Although this is Morgan Taylor's first outing, one strongly hopes that Sussman and Avidon will give her an encore."
Murder on the high seas is not the 'gig' actress Morgan Taylor signed up for. She was stoically suffering through one of Chicago's coldest winters when her old theater friend called begging Morgan to fill in for a cast member aboard a cruise ship. Morgan weighs her choices: Let's see -- blinding blizzards and bitter cold, or palm trees and sun-drenched sand? Hmmmmm. Morgan hops the next plane to the Port of Miami.
Onboard ship, Morgan learns the girl she's replacing died 'suddenly'. "Murdered," whisper some. And between rehearsals, wardrobe fittings and performances, Morgan feels her own safety threatened. Not everyone, it seems, is happy she joined the cast. Then another performer goes missing and this time there is no question the girl was murdered.
"Sussman and Avidon deliver an amazingly fresh and entertaining puzzle sure to have mystery fans crying "Encore!" once again." Publisher's Weekly
"Wisecracking Chicago actress Morgan Taylor grabs center stage and never lets go..." Library Journal
"...light and finely rendered..." Contra Costa Times
...characters are strong and interesting, and the atmosphere of the ship provides an added dimension. I enjoyed the strong Chicago setting of this series' debut [AUDITION FOR MURDER] but am happy to see that this book is a class act even when it's on the road.